It turns out there is a lot I didn't know about this topic. Like the plural of torus. (It's tori, with a long i sound.) Is it donut or doughnut? (The consensus by those that decide these things seems to be "doughnut" although they seem to put up with "donut". "Donut really didn't come into regular use until Dunkin' Donuts started up in the 1950's.) I thought maybe this had a tie-in to the car, but no. It is spelled "Taurus" and I'm guessing has to do with the zodiac sign.
Imagine two circles linked as a chain. If one makes a full lap following the path of that first circle, we have a torus. Let's say the moving circle is radius r and the stationary circle has radius R.
The surface area is S = 4(pi^2)Rr. (Sorry, I do not know how to make my blog write the pi symbol or how to do exponents.) The derivation of this formula is more easily seen if written S = (2(pi)r)(2(pi)R). It is the circumference of the moving circle taking the a path along the circumference of the big circle.
The volume is V = 2(pi^2)(r^2)R. While this is the simplified version, again it is easier to see where it comes from by writing it differently: V = ((pi)(r^2))(2(pi)r). It is the area of the moving circle again taking the a path along the circumference of the big circle.

Enough for now. We'll look into this topic more next time.