Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Math Occupations

I copied this from the University of Northern British Columbia website. I'm claiming ignorance as to copy write laws, but I'm giving them credit, so i think I'm fine. This seems like a good list. I edited this down just a bit. The full page is at http://www.unbc.ca/math-statistics/careers-mathematics

Careers with a Mathematics Degree

Aside from being useful to becoming a High School teacher, a degree in Mathematics is quite useful in the following job areas (where people with a Mathematics degree have been hired).
  1. It prepares you for an MBA (Masters of Business Administration) degree and become, for example, an Accounting Manager or a Certified Public Accountant.
  2. Can work as a computer scientist at the National Institute of Standards and Technology.
  3. Can work as a mathematician in places like Rockwell International Corporation.
  4. With a degree in mathematics you can go to Law School.
  5. Can work as a project manager in a company like Hewlett-Packard.
  6. You can go on to an engineering school and become an industrial engineer or work in companies like Westinghouse Wireless Solutions.
  7. Informations Systems Consultant.
  8. Manager at a place like Advanced Research Computing Services.
  9. Can work as an actuary for a life insurance company.
  10. Senior software engineer (e.g. at Harris Scientific Calculations).
  11. With a MSc in Mathematics one can work as an aerospace mathematician in space centers like the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center.
  12. Can be a mathematics editor for a publisher (e.g. Simon & Schuster, Inc.).
  13. A computer systems specialist for a chemical company.
  14. A professional relations representative for a health care company.
  15. Educational markets manager for companies like Texas Instruments.
  16. Operations research analyst (e.g. for FedEx or any courier company).
  17. Director for inventory control.
  18. Can work in companies like Exxon Production as a research specialist.
  19. A statistician at a health research laboratory.
  20. Can work at a Boeing company as instructor and/or consultant on quality control.
  21. An environmental mathematician for an engineering company.
  22. With a double major with economics you can become an economist for an oceanographic company.
  23. Some national laboratories hire mathematicians to analyze problems numerically (Numerical analysis).
  24. A statistician in a census bureau.
  25. Telephone companies are known to hire mathematicians, even ones with only a BSc degree.
  26. Financial analyst.