Monday, June 13, 2016

Pronouncing Mathematician Names

Last time I took a shot at ranking the top mathematicians of all-time. One thing that has always bothered me is not knowing how to pronounce mathematicians names. Some are tricky. You might not know how to pronounce Euler or Euclid, but at least you figure they would be roughly the same. They aren't.

These names often don't get said aloud. If a person comes across a mathematician's name, its probably because of reading it. As a service, I decided to look up pronunciations of some of the trickier ones and list them here. If a math teach is going to talk about famous mathematicians, and I think we should, we at least owe it to them to get their names right.

I'm going with for these. If you think any of these incorrect, you'll need to take it up with them.

In no particular order, here we go:

Euler: OI-ler

Euclid: YOO-klid

Gauss:  gous

Descartes:  dey-KAHRT

Lagrange:  la-GRAHNZH

Leibniz:  LAHYB-nitz

Poincare:  pwan-ka-REY

Riemann:  RE-mahn

Pascal:  pa-SKAL or pa-SKAHL

Fermat:  fer-MAH

Galois:  gal-WAH

Bernoulli:  ber-NOO-lee

Cauchy:  koh-SHEE

Hermite:  her-MEET

Laplace:  la-PLAS

Fourier:  FOO-ree-ey

Huygens:  HAHY-guhnz