Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Election Results

 There was an important Senate election in Georgia (on the website I was looking at it was "Georiga"). I saw this :

Candidate A   51.5%  -  1,957,641

Candidate B   48.5%  -  1,844,815

That was with 87% of the vote counted.

If the vote is split evenly the rest of the way, Candidate A wins, obviously. What percent would be needed? I figured it was my duty as a citizen to find out.

There are a total of 3,802,456 votes so far with 87 % in. That means there must be a total of:

0.87x = 3,802,456

x = 4,370,639

Candidate A needs at least half of that, which is 2,185,319.

With a little subtraction there are 586,183 votes left and he need 227,678 of them. Candidate A needs 40.1% of the remaining votes. That sounds about right. Certain sections get counted at different times. So its not over. 

Update - Its not decided yet, but Candidate A now has 50.02% of the vote. About as close as it can get.