We'll I've gotten back on the horse and ready to do more math application blogs. I took a few months off. Not for any particularly good reason, although I did move. Piece of advice - Try not to move. Or at least make enough money to afford to pay one of those companies that will do everything for you.
Speaking of that, how much should you tip them? I don't know if you actually tip moving people, but its a transition (no idea how to spell "segway") into my post.
First of all, I have a thing about tipping. The really important people don't get tipped - doctors, emt's, teachers, firemen. Its mostly people in a restaurant that take your order and your money. As restaurant workers go, they really aren't the hardest workers there. The cooks aren't getting tipped. The bus boy isn't getting tipped. The night time custodian isn't getting tipped. Plus, I'm even more annoyed when the credit card machine asks you how much you want to tip. I had that happen at a place where I got my own drink and all the server did was hand me a donut (that someone else made). Does that really deserve a tip?
Anyway, they say 10% isn't enough anymore. So now I'm not just bothered, I'm mathematically bothered. Apparently, tipping needs to go up to at least 15% because of inflation. That is either greed or a lack of understanding of how percentages work.
Something used to cost $100 dollars, and lets say now it costs $140. A 10% tip would have meant a $10 tip. Present day, your 10% tip is $14. Yes, there is inflation, but the percent takes care of that. If prices go up and you still tip at 10%, the amount of your tip goes up. And what would 15% of $140 be? $21.
At cash registers that give you choices of tips, 15% seems to be the low end. It should still be 10% if it even exists at all.
Whose idea was this? I'm guessing the people getting the tips. I don't want to be rude, but I you did betting in school you probably would understand percentages better and you wouldn't be working as a server in a restaurant to begin with.
Note - Future blogs will not be as mean spirited.